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SHS General Information

If a student must take medication during the school day, on a field trip, or during a school chaperoned “before” or “after” school activity, an “Authorization To Give Medication At School” form must be completed. Please remember the following requirements:

  • Medications (both prescription and non-prescription) must be in the original labeled container. No baggies, foil, etc.
  • Parent/guardian must provide specific instructions, as well as the medication and related equipment.
  • It will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school of any changes with the medication--new medication or new doses will not be given unless a new form is completed.
  • All medication should be taken directly to the clinic by the parent and/or student.
  • Unused medication will be disposed of unless picked up within one week after medication is discontinued.
  • School employees will not assume any liability for supervising or assisting in the administration of medication.
  • Completion of the “Authorization for Medication” form authorizes Student Health Services to discuss the medication order/request with the prescribing health care provider if indicated.

Contact Us

Stephanie Sorina, Clinic Assistant

Clinic Hours
8:30 a.m. – 4:05 p.m.

Are you too sick for school? Read this.

Fulton County Schools Health Services

Authorization to Give Medicine Form